Hirn gehört episode 7 with Prof. Dr. Inga Holube

For hearing aids to provide optimum support for the patient, the hearing impairments must be individually recorded and hearing aids optimally fitted. Simply amplifying the received signal is not enough. Especially in situations with loud ambient noise, many people find it difficult to follow a conversation well. The development of measurement methods for hearing is the specialty of Prof. Dr. Inga Holube from the Institute for Hearing Technology and Audiology at Jade University. The recipient of the Lower Saxony Science Award, she and her working group are conducting research into new audiological procedures to provide patients with the best possible care. The need is huge: statistically, every second citizen over the age of 70 is affected by hearing loss. To provide patients with the best possible care, their hearing impairment must also be determined in conversational situations with background noise. This is a field of research that Prof. Dr. Inga Holube would like to devote more attention to in the future. How the Physikerin came at all to the hearing research and which has it with the Cocktailparty effect on itself, can interested in the current Podcast consequence of brain heard: Oldenburger knowledge Schnack of the Oldenburger network science communication experience. Listen at https://hirnvomhahn.de/podcast/ and all popular podcast platforms.

About the podcast:

The audio podcast series "Hirn gehört: Oldenburger Wissensschnack" is, like the Oldenburg pub event "Hirn vom Hahn - Wissen frisch gezap" held in 2019, an initiative of the Oldenburg Network Science Communication, to which various regional research institutions have joined forces. In addition to the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), these are: Jade University of Applied Sciences, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg with the Didactic Center for Teacher Education, the Neurosensorics Research Center and the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Sea (ICBM), Schlaues Haus Oldenburg, OFFIS - Institute for Computer Science, European Science Communication Institute (ESCI), Oldenburg Energy Cluster - OLEC e.V. and IÖB - Institute for Economic Education. It is financially supported by the Universitätsgesellschaft Oldenburg and the Jade Hochschule.

The episodes of the podcast appear on the third Thursday of each month. In them, scientists from the region "chat" about their projects, their motivation, their best story, the biggest failure or their craziest favorite subject. The podcasts are hosted by Dr. Bianca Brüggen and Jens-Steffen Scherer, who also host the Oldenburg Science Slam. Professor Dr. Inga Holube is the interlocutor of the current, seventh episode, which will be available from Thursday, July 15, on the homepage of "Hirn vom Hahn" (https://hirnvomhahn.de/podcast/) and on popular podcast platforms.

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