OLEC in the new publication "Expedition Clusterinitiative"

In the second part of the "go-cluster" publication "Expedition Clusterinitiative", the journey once again takes us across the whole of Germany and provides an exclusive insight into the diverse and successful work of a total of eight members of the "go-cluster" programme.

How does a cluster initiative actually work? What happens behind the scenes, what are the processes like, who works with whom and what tasks does the cluster management take on? The answers to these questions are as colourful and diverse as the cluster initiatives themselves. The successes and inspiring projects they implement in their everyday work make it clear time and again that long-term cooperation between different actors from business, science and other cooperation partners pays off. The basis for success is professional cluster management. However, depending on the field of technology, the goals of the cooperation and the organisational form, the working and functional methods differ.

The team of the "go-cluster" programme saw for themselves how great this diversity is and how it is lived out in practice. The result is exciting and timeless reports in which both the respective cluster management teams and some of the actors from the clusters themselves have their say. In the publication, you can learn more about the diverse working methods, exciting projects and, last but not least, the people behind the "go-cluster" members.

You can find the publication at: www.clusterplattform.de