30. June: wärme:tauscher #3: Advancing municipal heat planning together!

Germany can only achieve its self-imposed goal of greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045 if the heating supply of our buildings is restructured in terms of energy and does not use fossil fuels. In this transformation, municipal heating planning as a long-term and strategically designed process is the central lever. Due to their planning sovereignty, the data on the building stock and as holders of rights of way and infrastructure, the municipalities are the central actors who, with the help of private-sector and civic actors, are driving the heat transition forward. The Lower Saxony Act on the Promotion of Climate Protection and Mitigation of the Consequences of Climate Change (Niedersächsisches Gesetz zur Förderung des Klimaschutzes und zur Minderung der Folgen des Klimawandels - NKlimaG) sets out the guidelines for municipal actors on how to implement heat planning. 

But what concrete ways can municipalities take to implement the heat transition on site, for example through neighbourhood-based approaches to increase the use of heat pumps in existing buildings or the construction of heat grids as a tool for heat distribution? Which technological approaches in planning, implementation and operation can support this? What leading role could (heating) cooperatives play here? 

One thing is clear: now is the time to implement the heat transition locally! Because now the course is being set for the next years and decades. Strategic planning and the development of measures that can already be implemented today are therefore important! 

In the event, we want to focus on possible solutions for this challenge and take up impulses from practice. Afterwards, we want to come together in an open discussion format to identify possible solutions, exchange ideas and learn from each other. 

We look forward to talking with you about how we can contribute to the heat transition in the Northwest together! 


When? 30 June 2023 from 12.00 p.m.

Where? At the CORE Oldenburg, Heiligengeiststr. 6-8, 26121 Oldenburg


The event of the series "wärme:tauscher" takes place within the OLEC ENERGY WEEK 2023! All information on the programme and registration can be found at: www.energiecluster.de/energy-week